Sign the petition & tell Donald Trump to stop attacking auto emission standards.

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For decades, California’s ambitious car emissions rules have set the standard for the nation, resulting in more fuel-efficient vehicles with lower carbon emissions nationwide.

Now, as part of his obsessive rampage against our environment (and against California), Donald Trump recently revoked California’s right to set its own standards. His actions represent a massive step backwards in the climate crisis fight.

Rolling back vehicle emission standards will cause a serious increase in carbon emissions in our atmosphere, which will:

  • Accelerate the climate crisis;
  • Increase the risk of chronic illness, such as cardiovascular disease and mental health disorders among vulnerable populations, primarily young kids and communities of color;
  • Introduce more pollutants and carcinogens to the air we breathe;
  • Undermine the fuel economy standard, costing consumers billions of dollars.

The federal government should not be sacrificing our families and our future to protect corporate polluters and big oil or to advance Donald Trump’s political vendetta against California.

Sign the Petition to tell Trump to stop attacking our clean air vehicle emissions standards:

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Note: This petition is open to residents of the United States, and a valid U.S. zip code is needed to submit the form. This petition is sponsored by Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Nanette Barragán, Rep. Joyce Beatty, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Rep. Katherine Clark, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Joe Kennedy, Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Rep. Ben McAdams, Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Katie Porter, Rep. Jeff Van Drew, AG Ellen Rosenblum, Tracy Mitrano, Climate Hawks Vote, Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC, Consumers United for Fairness, Friends of the Earth Action, Fund Her, Global Warming Solutions, NRDC Action Fund, and When Democrats Turn Out PAC. Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

This petition sponsored by:

Ed MarkeyU.S. Senator from Massachusetts
Nanette BarragánU.S. Representative from California
Joyce BeattyU.S. Representative from Ohio
Suzanne BonamiciU.S. Representative from Oregon
Katherine ClarkU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Peter DeFazioU.S. Representative from Oregon
Joe Kennedy IIIU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Ted LieuU.S. Representative from California
Carolyn MaloneyU.S. Representative from New York
Ben McAdamsU.S. Representative from Utah
Jim McGovernU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Katie PorterU.S. Representative from California
Jeff Van DrewU.S. Representative from New Jersey
Ellen RosenblumAttorney General of Oregon
Tracy MitranoCandidate for U.S. Congress from New York

Climate Hawks Vote Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC Consumers United for Fairness Friends of the Earth Action Fund Her Global Warming Solutions NRDC Action Fund When Democrats Turn Out PAC