Tell the Senate to Pass Climate Change Legislation NOW.

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The House of Representatives just passed landmark climate change legislation that would require the United States to remain within the Paris Agreement after 2020. The Paris Agreement:

  • pursues efforts to limit global temperature increases;
  • increases our ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and slow greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining food production; and
  • advances economic pathways towards climate-resilient development.

But the bill is stuck in the Senate. It is imperative that we take immediate action to slow climate change -- there is no time for partisan bickering or bureaucracy.

Sign the petition and tell the Senate: pass our climate change legislation NOW.

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Note: This petition is open to residents of the United States, and a valid U.S. zip code is needed to submit the form. This petition is sponsored by Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Rep. TJ Cox, Rep. Rick Larsen, Rep. Ben McAdams, Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Jeff Van Drew, Civic Action, Climate Hawks Vote, Democratic Conservation Alliance, Fund Her, and People For the American Way. Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

This petition sponsored by:

Suzanne BonamiciU.S. Representative from Oregon
TJ CoxU.S. Representative from California
Rick LarsenU.S. Representative from Washington
Ben McAdamsU.S. Representative from Utah
Jim McGovernU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Jeff Van DrewU.S. Representative from New Jersey

Civic Action Climate Hawks Vote Democratic Conservation Alliance Fund Her People For the American Way